Residential Hostel for Destitute Children

In our operational area, there exists a significant number of orphaned and semi-orphaned children, a consequence of various socio-economic factors. These include the prevalence of families led by women who have lost their spouses to tiger and crocodile attacks, the ramifications of re-marriage among widowed or deserted women, divorces, family disputes, and the tragic aftermath of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Without adequate care and guidance, these children often find themselves on paths that are not conducive to their growth. Recognizing the pressing need for intervention, BTS established AAKASH BHAVAN, a hostel facility crafted as a haven for these vulnerable children. The primary aim of AAKASH BHAVAN is to integrate these children into society, offering them a platform from which they can contribute positively to the nation’s progress.

The guiding mission of the project is to equip orphaned and semi-orphaned children with the necessary resources, love, and care to thrive. Through a blend of shelter, sustenance, and education, we aim to guide them towards fulfilling, constructive futures.

Currently, AAKASH BHAVAN is home to 20 children, but given the growing demand and the facility’s capacity, we aim to extend our support to 40 children in the near future. The hostel is supervised by a dedicated caretaker.
To further bolster our commitment, we plan to onboard 2-3 qualified teachers, a vocational instructor, and a kitchen team comprising a cook and an assistant. Periodic health assessments will be ensured with the help of a part-time doctor, focusing on the overall well-being of each child.

Our holistic approach provides every child with four nutritious meals daily, essential study materials, and clothing – both school uniforms and daily wear. In addition, we emphasize the importance of recreation and personal growth. A common room equipped for both indoor and outdoor activities offers children a space to relax, play, and explore various crafts and hobbies, ensuring their all-round development.

Glimpses of the activity